Okesa Sewing Group: monthly on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, for our next dates/times please see our What’s on page. We meet in-person in Glasgow or online by Zoom. Feel free to come for part or all of the afternoon meeting. Contact us for details of how to participate.

After we have been practicing for a while and want to commit more to Buddhism as a way of life, we might seek to take the precepts. These are the Buddhist vows undertaking not to kill, steal, lie and so on, essentially acknowledging the unity and sacredness of all life.

As part of this, we are given a Buddhist name, and we sew a rakusu 絡子, which is a traditional Japanese garment worn round the neck. It is an abbreviated smaller version of the Okesa お袈裟, the traditional Buddhist robe, which was originally made from pieces of discarded fabric, hence symbolising the interdependence and preciousness of all being.
We sew Rakusu, Okesa robes and also the Zagu 座具 sitting/ prostrations mat. In the afternoon we have two sewing periods with a break in between – come to part or all of the afternoon. It is a supportive and cheerful group, and you can also have advice from us about your sewing in between meetings.
Participants can drop in and out of the group as they please, it isn’t necessary to take part each time. Please come and join us – to do this contact us by email, or for any questions about this group.
Find out what we have been up to at the group on our sewing blogposts.