This is the list of our books available to members of the Glasgow Zen Group, please contact us for borrowing arrangements.
The list is ordered by:
author, title, (first) year of publication, publisher, number of copies
1. Abe, Masao, Zen and Comparative Studies. Part two of a two-volume sequel to ‘Zen and Western Thought’, 1997, Palgrave Macmillan: NY, 1
2. Abe, Masao, Zen and Western Thought, 1985, University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu, 1
3. Abe, Masao, Zen and the Modern World. A Third Sequel to ‘Zen and Western Thought’, 2003, University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu, 1
4. Aitken, Robert, Taking the Path of Zen, 1982, North Point Press: NY, 1
5. Aitken, Robert, The Morning Star. New and Selected Zen Writings, 2003, Shoemaker & Hoard: Washington, DC , 2
6. Anderson, Reb, Being upright. Zen meditation and the Bodhisattva Precepts, 2001, Rodmell Press: Berkeley, CA, 1
7. Baroni, Helen J., Obaku Zen. The emergence of the Third Secret of Zen in Tokugawa Japan, 2000, University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu, 1
8. Basho, Haiku, 1995, Penguin: London, 1
9. Batchelor, Martine, Principles of Zen, 1999, Thorsons: London, 1
10. Batchelor, Steven, The Awakening of the West. The Encounter of Buddhism and Western Culture: 543 BCE- 1992, 1995, Thorsons: London, 1
11. Bayda, Ezra, being zen. Bringing Meditation to Life, 2003, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
12. Bedard, Jim, Lotus in the Fire. The Healing Power of Zen, 1999, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
13. Benoit, Hubert, The Supreme Doctrine, (1955) 1995, Sussex Academic Press: Sussex, 2
14. Blackstone, Judith & Josipovic, Zoran, Zen for Beginners, 1986, For Begginners LLC: Danbury, CT, 1
15. Blofeld, John (transl.), The Zen Teaching of Hui Hai on sudden illumination, 1974, Rider & Company: London, 1
16. Braverman, Arthur (transl.), Mud and Water. The Collected Teachings of Zen Master Bassui, 2002, Wisdom Publications: Boston, 2
17. Braverman, Arthur, Living and Dying in Zazen. Five Zen Masters of Modern Japan, 2003, Weatherhill: NY & Tokyo, 1
18. Brazier, David, Zen Therapy, 1995, Constable: London, 2
19. Brazier, David, Zen Therapy. A Buddhist Approach to Psychotherapy, 2001, Robinson: London, 1
20. Brandon, David, Zen in the Art of Helping, 1990, Arkana, Penguin: London, 1
21. Buksbazen, John Daishin, Zen Meditation in Plain English, 2002, Wisdom Publications: Boston, 1
22. Brecher, Paul, The Way of the Spiritual Warrior. Soft style martial arts for body, mind and spirit, 2000, Godsfield Press: Hans, UK, 1
23. Buswell, Robert E., Jr, The Zen Monastic Experience, 1992, Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey, 1
24. Cheng, Hsueh-li, Empty Logic. Madhyamika Bugghism from Chinese Sources, 1991, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers: Delhi, 1
25. Cleary, J. C. (transl.), Swampland Flowers. The letters and lectures of Zen Master Ta Hui, 2006, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
26. Cleary, J. C., Zibo. The Last Great Zen Master of China, 1989, Jain Publishing: Fremont, CA, 1
27. Cleary, Thomas (transl.), Classics of Buddhism and Zen. Volume 1, (1989) 2005, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
28. Cleary, Thomas (transl.), Instant Zen. Waking Up in the Present [Teachings of Chinese Zen Master Foyan], 1994, North Atlantic Books: Berkeley, CA, 2
29. Cleary, Thomas (transl. & ed.), Mastering the Art of War. Zhuge Liang’s and Liu Ji’s commentaries on the classic by Sun Tzu, 1989, Shambhala: Boston & Shaftesbury, 1
30. Cleary, Thomas (transl. & ed.), Rational Zen. The Mind of Dogen Zenji, 1993, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
31. Cleary, Thomas (transl.), Zen and the Art of Insight, 1999, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
32. Cleary, Thomas (transl. & ed.), Zen Essence. The Science of Freedom, 2000, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
33. Cleary, Thomas (transl.), Zen Lessons. The Art of Leadership, 1989, Shambhala: Boston & Shaftesbury, 1
34. Bancroft, Anne, Zen. Direct pointing to reality, 1991, Thames and Hudson: London, 1
35. Cleary, Thomas (transl.), The Sutra of Hui Neng. Sutra spoken by the 6th Patriarch on the High Seat of ‘the Treasure of Law’, 1993, Buddhist Library of China: HK, 1
36. Cleary, Thomas (transl.), Shobogenzo. Zen Essays by Dogen, 1986, University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu, 1
37. Cook, Francis Dojun, How to Raise an Ox. Zen Practice as Taught in Zen Master Dogen’s Shobogenzo, 1993, Center Publications: Los Angeles, CA, 1
38. Cook, Francis H. (transl.), The Record of Transmitting the Light. Zen Master’s Keizan’s ‘Denkoroku’, 1991, Center Publications: Los Angeles, CA, 1
39. Cook, Francis H. (transl.), Sounds od Valley Streams. Enlightenment in Dogen’s Zen Translation of Nine Essays from ‘Shobogenzo’, 1989, State University of NY Press: NY, 1
40. Mountain Record, winter 2002, Dharma Communications, NY, 1
41. Mountain Record, winter 2001, Dharma Communications, NY, 1
42. Mountain Record, fall 2001, Dharma Communications, NY, 1
43. Mountain Record, summer 2000, Dharma Communications, NY, 1
44. Mountain Record, spring 2000, Dharma Communications, NY, 1
45. Mountain Record, winter 1999, Dharma Communications, NY, 1
46. Mountain Record, fall 1998, Dharma Communications, NY, 1
47. Mountain Record, winter 1987, Dharma Communications, NY, 1
48. Deshimaru, Taisen, La Pratique du Zen, (1977) 1981, Albin Michel: Paris, 1
49. Dogen (K. Tanahashi, ed.), Beyond Thinking. A Guide to Zen Meditation, 2004, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
50. Dogen (Uchiyama comment.), How to Cook Your Life. From the Zen Kitchen to Enlightenment, 2005, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
51. Dogen (K. Tanahashi, ed.), Moon in a Dewdrop, (1985) 1988, Element Books: Dorset, 1
52. Enomiya- Lasalle, Hugo M., The Practice of Zen Meditation, (1987) 1990, The Aquarian Press: Wellinborough, 2
53. Dumoulin, Heinrich, Zen Buddhism: A History. Japan (vol.2), 2005, World of Wisdom: Bloomington, CAN, 1
54. Dumoulin, Heinrich, Zen Enlightenment. Origins and Meaning, (1976) 2007, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
55. French, Hal, Zen and the Art of Anything, (1999) 2001, Broadway Books: NY, 1
56. Furlong, Monica, Zen Effects. The Life of Alan Watts, (1986) 2001, Skylight Paths Publishing: Woodstock, VT, 1
57. Furuya, Kensho, Kodo. Ancient Ways. Lessons in the Spiritual Life of the Warrior/Martial Artist, (1996) 2001, Ohara Publications: Santa Clarita, CA, 1
58. Glassman, Bernie, Bearing Witness. A Zen Master’s Lessons in Making Peace, 1998, Bell Tower: NY, 1
59. Goldstein, Joseph, The Experience of Insight. A simple & direct guide to Buddhist Meditation, 1987, Shambhala: Boston & London, 2
60. Harris, Peter (ed.) , Zen Poems, 1999, Alfred A. Knopf: NY, 1
61. Hamill, Sam & Seaton, J.P. (transl. & ed.), The Poetry of Zen, 2007, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
62. Hakuin (N. Waddell, transl.), Wild Ivy. The Spiritual Autobiography of Zen Master Hakuin, 2001, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
63. Haskel, Peter, Bankei Zen. Translations from ‘The Record of Bankei’ edited by Yoshito Hakeda, 1984, Grove Press: NY, 1
64. Heine, Steven & Wright, Dale S. (eds.), Zen Classics. Formative Texts in the History of Zen Buddhism, 2006, Oxford University Press: NY, 1
65. Heine, Steven & Wright, Dale S. (eds.), The Zen Canon. Understanding the Classic Texts, 2004, Oxford University Press: NY, 1
66. Heine, Steven, Zen Skin, Zen Marrow. Will the Real Zen Buddhism Please Stand Up?, 2008, Oxford University Press: NY, 1
67. Heine, Stenen, Shifting Shape, Shaping Text. Philosophy and Folklore in the Fox Koan, 1999, University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu, 1
68. Heine, Steven, The Zen Poetry of Dogen. Verses from the Mountain of Eternal Peace, 1997, Tuttle Publishing: Boston, 1
69. Herrigel, Eugen, Zen in the Art of Archery, (1953) 1985, Arkana, Penguin: London, 1
70. Herrigel, Eugen, The Method of Zen, 1960, Routledge & Kegan Paul: London, 1
71. Hoffmann, Yoel, Radical Zen. The sayings of Joshu, 1978, Autumn Press: Brookline. MA, 1
72. Hodge, Stephen, The World of Zen, 2000, Godsfield Press: London, 1
73. Hoff, Benjamin, The Tao of Pooh… In which The Way is revealed by the Bear of Little Brain, (1982) 1989, Mandarin Paperbacks: London, 1
74. Hoff, Benjamin, The Te of Piglet, 1992, Mandarin Paperbacks: London, 1
75. Humphreys, Christmas, Zen [Teach Yourself Books] or Zen. A way of life, (1962) 1976, Hodder & Stoughton: London, 2
76. Humphreys, Christmas, A Western Approach to Zen, (1971) 1985, Unwin Paperbacks: London, 1
77. Humphreys, Christmas, Zen Buddhism, (1949) 1976, Unwin Paperbacks: London, 1
78. Hyers, Conrad M., Zen and the Comic Spirit, 1974, Rider & Company: London, 1
79. Ital, Gerta, On the Way to Satori. A Woman’s Experience of Enlightenment, (1971) 1990, Element Books: Dorset, 1
80. James, Simon P., Zen Buddhism and Environmental Ethics, 2004, Ashgate: Aldershot, UK, 1
81. Joeng, Boep, The Mirror of Zen. The Classic Guide to Buddhist Practice by Zen Master So Sahn, 2006, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
82. Jiyu- Kennett, Roshi, How to Grow a Lotus Blossom or How a Zen Buddhist Prepares for Death, 1977 & 1993, Shasta Abbey Press: Mt Shasta, Ca, 2
83. Jiyu- Kennett, Roshi, The Wild, White Goose. The Diary of a Female Zen Priest, (1997) 2002, Shasta Abbey Press: Mt Shasta, Ca, 1
84. Jiyu- Kennett, Roshi, Zen is Eternal Life, 1987, Shasta Abbey Press: Mt Shasta, Ca, 1
85. Kapleau, Philip, The Three Pillars of Zen, (1965) 1980, Rider & Company: London, 1
86. Kapleau, Philip, The Zen of Living and Dying. A Practical and Spiritual Guide, 1998, Shambhala: Boston & London, 2
87. Kapleau, Philip, Zen: Dawn in the West, 1980, Rider & Company: London, 3
88. Kasulis, T. P., Zen Action, Zen Person, (1981) 1989, University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu, 1
89. Katagiri, Dainin, Returning from Silence. Zen Practice in Daily Life, 1988, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
90. Kato, B; Tamura, Y. & Miyasaka, K. (transl.), The Threefold Lotus Sutra, 1988, Kosei Publishing: Tokyo, 1
91. Kiew Kit, Wong, The Complete Book of Zen, 1998, Vermilion: London, 1
92. Kraft, Kenneth, Eloquent Zen. Daito and Early Japanese Zen, (1992) 1997, University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu, 1
93. The Teaching of Buddha (English & Japanese), (1966) 1979, Bukko Dendo Kyokai: Tokyo, 1
94. Larkin, Geri, Stumbling Towards Enlightenment, 1997, Celestial Arts Publishing: Berkeley, CA, 1
95. Larkin, Geri, Tap Dancing in Zen, 2000, Celestial Arts Publishing: Berkeley, CA, 1
96. Leighton, T. D. (ed. & transl.), Dogen’s Extensive Record. A Translation of the Eihei Koroku, 2004, Wisdom Publications: Boston, 1
97. Leighton, T. D. (ed. & transl.), Dogen’s Pure Standards for the Zen Community. A Translation of ‘Eihei Shingi’, 1996, State University of NY Press: Albany, NY, 1
98. Leggett, Trevor, Fingers and Moons. Zen Stories and Incidents, 1988, Buddhist Publishing Group: Leicester, 1
99. Loori, John Daido, The Eight Gates of Zen: Spiritual Training in an American Zen Monastery, 1992, Dharma Communications: Mt Tremper, NY, 2
100. Loori, John Daido, Mountain Record of Zen Talks, 1992, Dharma Communications: Mt Tremper, NY, 1
101. Loori, John Daido (ed.), the art of Just Sitting. Essential writings on the Zen practice of shikantaza, (2002) 2004, Wisdom Publications: Boston, 1
102. Loori, John Daido, The Heart of Being. Moral and Ethical Teachings of Zen Buddhism, 1996, Charles E. Tuttle Co.: Boston, 1
103. Low, Albert, Zen Meditation plain and simple, 1989, Tuttle Publishing: Boston, 2
104. Low, Albert, The Iron Cow of Zen, (1985) 1991, Charles E. Tuttle Co.: Boston, 2
105. Luk, Charles (Lu K’Uan Yu), Practical Buddhism, 1971, Rider & Company: London, 1
106. Luk, Charles (transl.), Ordinary Enlightenment. A Translation of the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, (1972) 2002, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
107. Luk, Charles (transl.), The Vilmalakirti Nirdesa Sutra, (1971) 1990, Shambhala: Boston & Shaftesbury, 1
108. MacPhillamy, Daizui, Buddhism From Within. An Intuitive Introduction to Buddhism, 2003, Shasta Abbey Press: Mt Shasta, Ca, 1
109. Maezumi, Taizan, Appeciate Your Life. The Essence of Zen Practice, 2002, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
110. Maezumi, Taizan & Glassman, Bernie, On Zen Practice. Body, Breath and Mind, 2002, Wisdom Publications: Boston, 1
111. Magid, Barry, Ordinary Mind. Exploring the Common Ground of Zen and Psychoanalysis, 2002, Wisdom Publications: Boston, 1
112. Magid, Barry, Ending the Pursuit of Happiness. A Zen Guide, 2008, Wisdom Publications: Boston, 1
113. Masunaga, Reiho (transl.), A Primer of Soto Zen. A translation of Dogen’s ‘Shobogenzo Zuimonki’, 1972, Routledge & Kegan Paul: London, 2
114. Masunaga, Shizuto & Ohashi, Wataru, Zen Shiatsu. How to Harmonize Yin and Yang for Better Health, 1997, Japan Publications: Tokyo & NY, 1
115. McRae, John R., Seeing Through Zen. Encounter, Transformation and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism, 2003, University of California Press: Berkeley, 1
116. Merzel, Dennis Genpo, The Path of the Human Being. Zen Teachings on the Bodhisattva Way, 2005, Shambhala: Boston & London, 2
117. Murphy, Susan, Upside Down Zen. Finding the Marvelous in the Ordinary, 2006, Wisdom Publications: Boston, 1
118. Nishijima, Gudo & Cross, Chodo (transl.), Master Dogen’s Shobogenzo, 1997, Windbell Publications: London, book 1, 2 ,3
119. Shohaku, Okumura (transl.), Shobogenzo Zuimonki. Sayings of Eihei Dogen Zenji recorded by Koun Ejo, (1988) 1998, Soto-shu Shumucho: Tokyo, 1
120. Nishijima, Gudo Wafu, To Meet the Real Dragon, (1984) 1992, Windbell Publications: Widcombe, 1
121. Nitobe, Inazo, Bushido. The Warrior’s Code, (1899) 1976, Ohara Publications: Burnbank, CA, 1
122. Ogata, Sohaku, Zen for the West, 1959, Rider & Company: London, 1
123. Shohaku, Okumura (transl.), Dogen Zen, 1988, Kyoto Soto Zen Center: Kyoto, 1
124. O’Halloran, Maura Soshin, Pure Heart, Enlightenen Mind. The Zen Journal and Letters of an Irish Woman in Japan, 1995, Thorsons: London, 1
125. Okakura, Kakuzo, The Book of Tea, 1964, Dover Publications: NY, 1
126. Osho, No water, no moon. Talks on zen stories, (1977) 1994, Element Books: Dorset, 2
127. Pine, Red (transl.)[ Porter, Bill], The Diamond Sutra. The Perfection of Wisdom, 2001, Counterpoint: NY, 1
128. Porter, Bill, Road to Heaven. Encounters with Chinese Hermits, 1993, Mercury House: San Francisco, CA, 1
129. Powell, William F. (transl.), The Record of Tung- Shan, 1986, University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu, 1
130. Powell, Robert, Zen and Reality. An Approach to Sanity and Happiness on a Non- Sectarian Basis, 1961, Viking Press: NY, 1
131. Preece, Rob, The Wisdom of Imperfection. The Challenge of Individuation in Buddhist Life, 2006, Snow Lion Publications: Itaca, NY, 1
132. Rahula, Walpola, Zen & the Taming of the Bull. Towards the Definition of Buddhist Thought, 1978, Gordon Frazer: London, 1
133. Reps, Paul, Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, 1957, Penguin: London, 4
134. Roth, Martin & Stevens, John, Zen Guide, 1985, Weatherhill: NY & Tokyo, 1
135. Sahn, Seung (Mitchell, S. Ed), The Compass of Zen, 1997, Shambhala: Boston & London, 1
136. Mitchell, Stephen (ed.), Dropping Ashes on the Buddha. The Teaching of Zen Master Seung Sahn, 1976, Grove Press: NY, 2
137. Maha Sthavira Sangharakshita, The Essence of Zen, 1973, Windhorse: Glasgow, 4
138. Saso, Michael (trnasl. & ed.), Zen is for Everyone. The Xiao Zhi Guan text by Zhi Yi, 2000, University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu, 1
139. Scott, David & Doubleday, Tony, The Elements of Zen, 1992, Element Books: Dorset, 1
140. Schneider, David, Street Zen. The Lofe and Work of Issan Dorsey, (1993) 2000, Marlowe & Company: NY, 1
141. Sekida, Katsuki, Zen Training. Methods and Philosophy, (1975) 1983, Weatherhill: NY & Tokyo, 3
142. Shainberg, Lawrence, Ambivalent Zen. One man’s adventures on the Dharma path, 1995, Random House: NY, 1
143. Steger, Manfred B. & Besserman, Perle, Grassroots Zen, 2001, Tuttle Publishing: Boston, 1
144. Sheng- Yen & Stevenson, Dan, Hoofpfint of the Ox. Principles of the Chan Buddhist Path as Taught by Modern Chinese Master, 2001, Oxford University Press: NY, 1
145. Fisher- Shreiber, I.; Ehrhard, F.-K. & Diener, M.S., The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen, 2001, Shambhala, 1
146. Shibayama, Zenkei, Zen Comments on the Mumonkan. The authorative translation, with commentary, of basic Zen text, 1974, Harper & Row: NY, 1
147. Sogen, Omori, An Introduction to Zen Training. The Classic Text on Rinzai Zen Training, (1996) 2001, Tuttle Publishing: Boston, 2
148. Sheng- Yen, Complete Enlightenment. Zen comments on the Sutra of Complete Enlightenment, 1999, Shambhala, 2
149. Sheng- Yen, Dharma Drum. The life and heart of Ch’an practice, `1996, Dharma Drum Publications: NY, 1
150. Sheng-Yen, Getting the Buddha Mind, 1982, Dharma Drum Publications: NY, 1
151. Sheng- Yen, Illuminating Silence, 2002, Watkins Publishing: London, 1
152. Soeng, Mu, The Diamond Sutra. Transforming the way we perceive the world, 2000, Wisdom Publications: Boston, 1
153. Sokei- An (Frakas, M. & Lopez, R. Ed.), Zen Pivots. Lectures on Buddhism and Zen, 1998, Weatherhill: NY & Tokyo, 1
154. Sticherbatsky, Th., Buddhist Logic. 2 Vols, (1992) 2008, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers: Delhi, 2 vols
155. Storlie, Erik Fraser, Nothing on My Mind. Berkeley, LSD, Two Zen Masters and a Life on the Dharma Trail, 1996, Shambhala, 1
156. Suzuki, D.T., Essays in Zen Buddhism, 1949, Grove Press: NY, 1
157. Suzuki, D.T., An Introduction to Zen Buddhism, 1964, Grove Press: NY, 3
158. Suzuki, D.T., Living by Zen. A synthesis of the historical and practical aspects of Zen Buddhism, 1972, Century: London, 2
159. Suzuki, D.T., Manual of Zen Buddhism, 1960, Grove Press: NY, 3
160. Suzuki, Shunryu, Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness. Zen talks on the Sandokai, 1999, University of California Press: Berkeley, 3
161. Suzuki, Shunryu, Not always so. Practicing the true spirit of Zen, 2002, Harper Collins Publishers: NY, 1
162. Suzuki, Shunryu, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. Informal talks on Zen meditation and practice, (1970) 2001, Weatherhill: NY & Tokyo, 2
163. Thich Thien- An, Zen Philosophy, Zen Practice, 1975, Dharma Publishing: Berkeley, CA, 3
164. Switzer III, A. Irvin, D.T. Suzuki. A biography, 1985, Buddhist Society: London, 1
165. Tzu, Lao (Lau, D. C. Transl.), Tao Te Ching, 1963, Penguin: London, 1
166. Uchiyama, Kosho, The Zen Teaching of ‘Homeless’ Kodo, 1996, Sotoshu Shumucho: Tokyo, 1
167. Unno, Taitetsu (transl.), Tannisho. A Ahin Buddhist Classic, 1996, Buddhist Study Center Press: Honolulu, 1
168. Victoria, Brian, Zen at War, 1997, Weatherhill: NY & Tokyo, 1
169. Warner, Brad, Hardcore Zen, 2003, Wisdom Publications: Boston, 1
170. Watson, Burton (transl.), The Zen Teachings of Master Lin- Chi. The translation of the Lin- chi lu, 1999, Columbia University Press: NY, 1
171. Watts, Alan W., The Spirit of Zen. A Way of Life, Work and Art in the Far East, (1936) 1960, John Murray: London, 1
172. Watts, Alan W., The Way of Zen, 1957, Thames and Hudson: London, 2
173. Williams, Duncan Ryuken, The Other Side of Zen. A Social History of Soto Zen Buddhism in Tokugawa Japan, 2005, Princeton University Press: Princeton, New Jersey, 1
174. Wilson Ross, Nancy, The World of Zen. An East-West Anthology, 1962, Collins: London, 1
175. Wright, Dale S., Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism, 1998, Cambridge University Press, 1
176. Wu, John C. H., The Golden Age of Zen. Zen Masters in the Tang Dynasty, 2003, World of Wisdom: Bloomington, CAN, 1
177. Yun, Hsing, Being Good. Buddhist ethics for everyday life, 1999, Weatherhill: NY & Tokyo, 1
178. Yusa, Michiko, Zen & Philosophy. An intellectual biography of Nishida Kitaro, 2002, University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu, 1
179. Yokoi, Yuho & Victoria, Daizen, Zen Master Dogen. An Introduction with Selected Writings, 1976, Weatherhill: NY & Tokyo, 1