Not Attaining, Not Knowing . Dharma Hall Discourse Here is a story. [Tianhuang] Daowu asked Shitou, “What is the essential meaning of Buddha Dharma?” Shitou said, “Not attaining, not knowing.” Daowu said, “Beyond that, is there any other pivotal point or not?” Shitou said, “The wide sky does not obstruct the white clouds drifting.” Not attaining, not knowing is Buddha’s essential meaning. The wind blows into the depths, and further winds blow. The wide sky does not obstruct the white clouds drifting. At this time, why do you take the trouble to ask Shitou? Blue Mountains Walking; Giving Birth at Night . Dharma Hall Discourse Deeply see the blue mountains constantly walking.
By yourself know that the white stone [woman] gives birth to a child at night. Dōgen descended from his seat. An Expression Never Before Expounded . Dharma Hall Discourse In the entire universe in ten directions there is no Dharma at all that has not yet been expounded by all buddhas in the three times. Therefore all buddhas say, “In the same manner that all buddhas in the three times expound the Dharma, so now I also will expound the Dharma [reality] without differentiations.” This great assembly present before me also is practicing the way in the manner of all buddhas. Each movement, each stillness is not other than the Dharma of all buddhas,
so do not act carelessly or casually. Although this is the case, I have an expression that has not yet been expounded by any Buddha. Everyone, do you want to discern it? After a pause Dōgen said: In the same manner that all buddhas in the three times expound the Dharma, so now I also will expound the Dharma without differentiations. The Growth of Oneness . Dharma Hall Discourse for Winter Solstice on the First Day of the [Eleventh] Month [1240] “Attaining oneness, heaven is clear; attaining oneness, earth is at rest.” Attaining oneness, a person is at peace; attaining oneness, the time becomes bright. As this oneness grows, within the [days] growing longer, the buddha ancestors attain longevity.
Everybody, within this growth you arouse awakening mind, practice, engage the way with effort, and attain realization of a single phrase. You have already attained the power and vitality that is within this growth. Therefore, making a rosary with the bodies of buddha ancestors, you reach three hundred sixty days. Every time this day [of winter solstice] arrives, [the length of days] proceeds just like this. This is exactly the body and mind of buddha ancestors, so [this growth] proceeds like this. After a pause Dōgen said: The body and mind of each Buddha now can grow. The face and eyes of jade rings and round jewels are shaped in a heavenly palace. Having counted each of them, how long and far do they reach? On this auspicious occasion, knowing the count is the single brightness. Complete Meeting of Host and Guest . Dharma Hall Discourse Laying down the body here, shed the body there. How is it there? Step by step, [the practice] is intimate and continuous. How is it here? The whole heart [beats], moment by moment. Put aside there and here for a while. How could [we discuss] such happenings? The host devises a complete expression and the guest confirms it. The guest devises a complete expression and the host confirms it. All people [in this assembly] devise a complete expression and this mountain monk [Dōgen] confirms it.
This mountain monk devises a complete expression and all people [in the assembly] confirm it. When this mountain monk and all [you] people express it, the whisk and the staff confirm it. When the whisk and the staff express it, this mountain monk and all [you] people confirm it. Shedding body [there] and laying down the body [here], what is there to say? After a pause Dōgen said: Responding together in this enjoyable gathering is itself complete. The host is present from the beginning while the guest is in shashu. A million times this has been said already. On this occasion, how can anybody not understand? Our Own Work . Dharma Hall Discourse Here is a story. In ancient days, when Venerable Mahākāśyapa was stamping on mud [to mix for making walls], a novice asked, “Why do you work like this yourself?”
Dogen, Eihei. Dogen’s Extensive Record: A Translation of the Eihei Koroku (pp. 93-96). Wisdom Publications. Kindle Edition.